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   Here you can find some of our favorite pond and water gardening books. You can also search Barnes and Noble’s extensive online site for more books about ponds as well as anything else they have! To purchase a book, simply click on the book’s cover and you will be wisked away to Barnes and Noble’s Website where you can complete your transaction on a secure server.

Water Gardening Books

   To make it easier to navigate through all of the books, we have placed them on virtual bookshelves.  Therefore, to get to the books all you need to do is click on one of the icons below and you can view information such as the Title, always helpful! The authors, publishing date, ISBN,etc. In most cases a short narrative has been included to help you determine if this is the right book for you! If you find that the book you are looking for has not been listed, all you need to do is go to the virtual info des. There, you can search the entire Barnes and Noble database using the author, title, or a keyword. They have over 9 million volumes in there database so no matter what you are looking for....even if it isn’t pond related...you will be able to find it there! Good Luck and enjoy!

Water Gardening Books - Cover Recognition

   Now we realize you may have been to the bookstore or the library and there was that one book....by that one author, but you just cannot remember who they were.  Well we will take you back to your childhood. Remember playing those card recognition games? If you can remember what the cover of the book looked like, all you have to do is find it below and click on it.  We will do the rest and take you to it’s location on our site and then you can choose to act further.

Welcome to our 2001 online catalog Enjoy!

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Looking for books on Ponds and Water gardens?

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This site was last updated on: September 10, 2001

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Covers look familiar?  Click on one and it will take you to the skelf where it is located! Go ahead, give it a try!   Cannot find the book here?

 Go to the Info Desk!

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This site has been built by Spherical MEDIA a division of Creative waterscapes, Inc. Contact webmaster@creative-waterscapes.com with questions or comments regarding this site. Copyright (c) 1998 - 2001 Creative Waterscapes, Inc. All rights reserved.  All product images on this site have been obtained from their respective owners royalty free for use in the sole advertisement of their products and in no way are intended to deface or misrepresent the intended product or service.