- 1/2 gal. Box, 48 oz. $ 8.99
Super Activated Filter Carbon™
- 1/ 2 gal. Box, 19 oz. $ 11.99
- 1/ 2 gal. Box, 39 oz. $ 16.99
Lowers the pH of pond water. Also lowers the alkalinity of cement ponds. 16 oz. treats 1,900 gal.
- 8 oz. Bottle $ 6.99
- 16 oz. Bottle $ 10.99
Raises the pH of pond water. 16 oz. treats 1,900 gal.
- 8 oz. Bottle $ 6.99
- 16 oz. Bottle $ 10.99
A safe and effective treatment for external parasites, like Ich, gill and body flukes, Costia, and Trichondia, that infect the gills and skin of Koi & goldfish. 8
oz. treats 2,400 gal.
- 8 oz. Bottle $ 5.99
- 16 oz. Bottle $ 9.99
An all natural anti-bacterial remedy using the power of Melaluca for the treatment of fish diseases.
Rapidly helps the fish repair damaged fins, open wounds, ulcers, mouth and fin rot as well as mouth fungus.
- 8 oz. Bottle $ 6.99
- 16 oz. Bottle $ 10.99
- 64 oz. Bottle $35.99
Call 1-888-551-4343 for quotes on all installations, service, maintenance, ordering, and consulting